Temple Health's Institutional Advancement team contacted us looking for a go-to design partner for ongoing, high-profile projects where great design could make all the difference in achieving their goals.

“King Design has been an incredible partner for Temple Health Institutional Advancement. They’ve created compelling pieces for us that truly engage our donors and put them at the center of our story.”

Gabrielle Giddings
Assistant VP, Communications
Temple Health Institutional Advancement

Scholarship Report

We worked with the Temple Health Institutional Advancement team to design a report for Temple Health scholarship donors. By mixing photography, bold touches of color, and a hierarchy of information that was both beautiful and informational, we created a piece that can be enjoyed while delivering information to those that have donated to the school.

Temple Scholarship Report Cover
Temple Scholarship Report Spread1
Temple Scholarship Report Spread2
Temple Scholarship Report Spread3
Temple Scholarship Report Spread4

Acres of Diamonds Gala

We worked with Temple Health's Institutional Advancement team to create a unique and memorable look for their Acres of Diamonds Gala. We started with a wordmark and logo that had to be flexible across various forms of media. From there, we created invitations, stationery, digital assets and postcards. By using unique folds and bold use of the brand colors, we created a group of materials that is classy with a touch of fun.

King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date Opened
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date Typography
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Invitation Design
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date Specialty Printing
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date Spread
King Design Temple University 2019 Gala Save The Date Collection

Alumni Weekend Materials


Admissions Brochure

Artboard 1 100
Artboard 1 Copy 100
Artboard 1 Copy 3 100
Artboard 1 Copy 2 100
Artboard 1 Copy 2 100

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