The Challenge

Brooklyn Friends School (BFS), located in New York, concluded an intensive strategic vision planning phase and were eager to share the promising outcomes with their diverse audience comprised of esteemed board members, devoted parents, valued alumni, among many others. Recognizing the significance of effectively communicating their strategic vision, BFS sought the expertise of King Design to design and build a dynamic and visually captivating microsite to tell the story.

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A Tool for The Future

BFS's strategic plan is both a plan for today, but also a plan for the future of the school. They needed a microsite that could flex and change with their needs. They also wanted the site to be a vehicle for reporting the plan progress, but also a tool to encourage involvement. After a process of discussion and discovery, we started with a wireframe to work out strategy and hierarchy.

BFS Wireframe3
BFS Wireframe2

Refining the Message

Once the site structure was established, we worked with BFS to create visuals that captured the essence of the school environment and made the site an easy visual experience. Using some of the brand elements that they already were using, we refined and created new assets that supported what they had already established, creating a smooth transition from their main site to the microsite.

BFS Homepage2
BFS Homepage14
BFS Homepage18
BFS Homepage19

Using a mix of creativity and tech magic, we turned words into an interactive adventure.

Eye-catching typography, subtle animations, vibrant colors and beautiful photography brought this site to life.

BFS Multi Display
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BFS Homepage13
Homepage Hand
BFSCLASS26923 194 1 Min Min

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