
Birds Eye is on a mission to help people eat more vegetables. With new product innovations and ad campaigns on the horizon, they needed to revamp their dated website to serve as a central brand platform that better communicates their point of view, and shifts perceptions by educating the consumer on the benefits of frozen vegetables.

birds eye veggie 3d image

Our Approach

We designed a strategic, engaging website that put their mission front and center. We featured beautiful, natural, farm-fresh imagery to reinforce that Birds Eye frozen vegetables are sourced from family farms, and are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables (sometimes more so).

Birds Eye Working On Wireframe
Birds Eye Isometric Website Pages
Birds Eye Menu Detail
Birds Eye Menu Stats
Fresh carrots sticking out of the ground.
Birds Eye Iphone
Birds Eye Woman Farmer

We designed a source map to tell the story of where Birds Eye Vegetables come from.

Birds Eye Source Map
Birds Eye Source Map Responsive
Birds Eye Source Map Responsive 2
Birds Eye Source Map Laptop Modal




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