Blogging 101

What does “blog” mean? It’s both a noun and a verb, and it’s used often. You can be a blogger who blogs on his or her own blog. The word “blog” originates from “web log,” or an online recording of thought or activity. Over time, usage was shortened to “blog,” but the core identity remains the same. At its most basic, a blog is a chronological user-generated online record or journal, that typically has frequent contributions.

Follow the steps below to create a compelling and effective blog article:


1. Determine your goal

More than anything else, a blog is often an informational resource. Typically there is one (or a few related) overarching goals of the blog or parent website that the blog’s articles help to support and expand on.

2. Identify keywords

Blogs enhance their parent website’s search engine optimization, or SEO. By making sure you have industry-relevant keywords strategically placed throughout your articles, chances are better that your blog will show up organically in search engine results if people are searching for specific terms or keywords.

3. Keep it concise and well-formed

Online readers are more likely to scan your content than to read it top-to-bottom like a traditional print article. It’s important to keep your blog articles to the point and formatted in a way that makes scanning the article for important information easy. Readers will come back if they can find answers to what they need, but if they get lost in a giant bulk of words they’ll move on to something else.

4. Be a unique thought-leader

Make readers want to read YOUR blog article. Bring new information to the table, or a fresh perspective on age-old information. Viewers will read your blog the first time because they want the information, but they’ll keep returning to your blog if they connect to YOU as a writer. Let your voice shine through.

5. Start a conversation

Remember that this is a social medium, encourage comments and respond to your readers, keep them engaged in your message and help them to learn more about what you have to offer.

6. Make it visual

Pictures and video make everything more interesting. Take opportunities to use pictures, videos, and links to support your posts and engage the reader in your content.

7. Drive traffic to your article

This is not a “build it and they will come” situation — this is a “build it and then tell everyone you can about it, however you can” situation. People will not magically know that you have written an article; you need to tell them about it, and then remind them about it. You can do this a number of ways: through your own social media accounts, through email, or even in person. For example: if it’s a topic relevant to a sales meeting you have, send the link after the meeting, or write it on your business card. Be proactive.

For more information, check out these helpful resources:

*Post originally written by Abby Tolotti

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